Our Suppliers
Our garments are made by artisans from various communities in the Paraguayan countryside. Each community specializes in handcrafting the materials we use, providing a livelihood for local families and preserving ancestral techniques.
The Carapegua region produces "Encaje ju" (needle lace) along with other fabrics woven on traditional looms. Yataity, a city in the Guairá department, is known for its production of "Aopoi" (fine fabric or delicate garment). Itauguá is considered the birthplace of "Ñandutí" (spiderweb lace), a national treasure of Paraguay.
Several indigenous communities also contribute by weaving fabrics from Caraguata plant fibers. Additionally, all our looms are made from 100% cotton fabrics from Pilar, a city named after its main product.
Our Team
98.5% of the team is made up of women who are distributed in all areas of the brand, from management to production. In this way, we promote the empowerment and economic independence of women.
Online shopping uses 30% less electrical energy compared to traditional retail, which makes it pro-environment and at the same time is a convenient and efficient method for purchasing products.
Sustainable Shopping
Incentivamos y promovemos la compra de prendas artesanales, sustentables y amigables al medio ambiente, ya que se fabrican en pequeños talleres que producen la menor cantidad de residuos ambientales posibles y a la par sostienen comunidades, que son en su mayoría compuestas por mujeres, que son el pilar económico de sus hogares. Los oficios de estas mujeres fueron trasmitidas de generación en generación, por lo cual no abocamos a promover nuestra cultura a través de la moda y así evitar que ésta se extinga.